ETHGlobal Hackathon London 2024

As always lately, I have been constantly behind with my posts here on my blog 😭 BUT today is the day!

So, I just wanted to share my experience as a mentor at the ETHGlobal Hackathon this past March. It was super fulfilling, and I highly recommend that everyone join, maybe not as a mentor but definitely as a hacker at least once a year.

To check the projects we had on that day, check this link.

My favourites are:

  • HackerScore – A social network for developers looking to showcase their skills ⭐️
  • 0xmedusa-zt3is – Open source web3 commerce infra for Eth protocol integrations into Web2 infra.
  • GeoNouns – Collect Nouns across the world and mint them Pokemon Go Style.
  • OffBlocks Pay – Open Banking for Web3 – an account-to-account experience for e-commerce ⭐️
  • Monitrum – trustless and permissionless transaction monitoring solution along with support for Forced Inclusion on Arbitrum.
  • Tensor Royale – Incentivized on-chain AI collaboration platform, enabling permissionless upload of training data and computational AI models.
  • DataCat – We are a decentralized data labeling platform and marketplace to gamify building unbaised datasets. ⭐️
  • Forge World – Create characters, gather resources, explore diverse worlds, and level up your abilities. Your journey to forge legends begins now!

I always recommend my mentees to join these events at least once a year, independent of their current situation.

In this last hackathon I met this guy who joins Hackathons as a hobby (wins most of them) and he even goes with his daughter. Really inspiring !

Also met other founders that were there as Mentors like Adam Spiers who created this free private onchain address book and previously Panther Protocol, Damian Rusinek who created Composable_sec – Smart Contracts Security Audit, Madalina who works at Vega Protocol and many others !

If you are a hacker, you probably code as a hobby like me ❤️

  • Get that direct access to new ideas and innovation by experimenting with new technologies and building prototypes
  • Expand professional network and discover career opportunities
  • Learn new technical skills like programming languages and tools
  • Achieve recognition and awards for innovative solutions (Always good to get some credibility)
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment by completing a challenging project within a short timeframe (Real dopamine here)

Now for the companies that are sponsoring or just visiting the hackathons 🏢

  • You can brainstorm and get new ideas for products, services, or solutions by tapping into hackers’ creativity
  • Foster innovation and problem-solving and bring it to your company
  • Promote cross-functional collaboration and knowledge-sharing
  • Save time with the recruiting as you will have direct insight about the developers performance, commitment and soft skills without those long and inefficient tests

It is always a win-win, independent of the side you are (Hacker or Mentor). Also, you can expand your network, update yourself, see what others are working on, chance to win a prize and learn something new.

The projects were 🤯 and I was able to help some hackers (Felt useful haha) ! Keep smashing you all building the future !! 🚀

…and check my POAP