PACT CI/CD Workshop

Hello all, after a small burnout and a month break from my extra work activities (2nd lockdown here in London and winter vibes definitely didn’t help), I am finally back on track and I thought it was worth sharing this CI/CD Pact workshop that was published in the middle of this year.

They use Node, but you don’t need to be an expert to try this workshop. Once you have finished, you will be able to fit Pact and Pactflow into your CI/CD pipelines and understand the workflow when changing the consumer and provider.

I followed all the steps and after around 1h20m I finished it. It is pretty straight forward and it includes the new feature pending pact that is equivalent to the pending tests tag, just make sure you are copying the right tokens and using the right URLs.

The link to the workshop with the instructions and requirements are here:

In the end I got the results:

βœ… Travis Passed

βœ… Provider Passed Locally

βœ… Consumer Passed Locally

βœ… Pactflow verified

Thanks to Matt Fellows and Beth Skurrie for that !

Special thanks to my friend Marie who suggested me to use Excalidraw for my awesome diagrams !

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