Injecting cookies in your testcafe automation

Hello guys,

Today I am going to post an alternative to authenticate without going throught the login page. I have done this before generating a token for Keycloak to authenticate, but in my last project I generated the cookies and added them as a header with testcafe intercepting the HTTP requests to the website.

This is useful for when you don’t need to test the login process or you have a separated feature to test the login page. Then you will be able to save time when running the automation and avoiding to have to sign in every time you launch the scenario.

I had to take this approach for another reason as well, which was this bug here that happened because TestCafe uses a URL-rewritten proxy internally and this proxy is forced to handle cookies manually because the URL of the tested website is changed during test execution.

You will need to add this in a Before hook and generate the cookies before running the scenarios.

So first, install keygrip and cookies in your package:

npm install keygrip


npm install base-64

Second you will need to create the cookie based on your authentication process. For example if your cookie is generated with a json like this. You will also need to set the cookie like this and then you can add it in your utils/helper/support class:

import { RequestHook } from 'testcafe';
import Keygrip from 'keygrip';
import Base64 from 'base-64';

class addCookie extends RequestHook {

    constructor (requestFilterRules) {

    async onRequest (event) {
       const cookieName = "name-of-your-cookie-here"; //Change the value with the name of your authentication cookie 
       const cookieSigName = "name-of-your-cookie-here.sig"; //Same as above, but this is the signature cookie 

       let cookieValue = { "name":"username", "email":"" }; //Here you have the value that is inside the cookie 
       cookieValue = Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(cookieValue)); //Encode to Base64 the string if you need it 

       const keys = new Keygrip(["SECRET_KEY"]); //Here you will add your secret
       const hash = keys.sign(`${cookieName}=${cookieValue}`); //This is where you are going to sign the cookie with your secret key

       const myDate = new Date();
       event.requestOptions.headers[cookieName]= `${cookieValue};expires=${myDate};domain=${domain};path=/`;
       event.requestOptions.headers[cookieSigName]= `${hash};expires=${myDate};domain=${domain};path=/`; 

    async onResponse (event) {
       // Anything you need to add when you have the response 


You will need to import the page class and then in the feature level:

import addCookie from 'add-cookie.js'; const setCookies = new addCookie(/https?:\/\/;

fixture`Your Feature`  .page(baseUrl) .requestHooks(setCookies);

This is just an idea of how to skip the login screen page when doing automation and saving you sometime, but there are some other suggestions as well, like generating the token and add them to the header.


6 thoughts on “Injecting cookies in your testcafe automation

  1. Thanks Rafaela for this article.
    I’m getting this error when I run “npm run keygrip base-64”:
    Missing script: “keygrip”

    I have already installed keygrip with npm.

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